Mobile app

Price Policy

All prices are automatically set by our system. The price depends on many factors, such as: type of item, its exterior, availability of StatTrak™, popularity among the players, demand on trading platforms, etc.

Our pricing policy is not directly dependent on other sites, including Steam Market.

Also, users of our site can list their items up for sale at their own price. These items are usually overvalued, have a special yellow tag in the item’s information pop-up and a percentage in a yellow frame next to the price. The percent in the skin slot shows how much it was overpriced by the seller.


The site’s commission is 7% and can be reduced to 4%.

You can lower your commission by purchasing PRIME subscription. While the subscription is active, you reduce the commission on the site down to 4%

For more information about reducing commission, check

TypeYour items
(7% fee)
Your items
(4% fee)
Bot's items

Table of changes in the valuation of items depending on the size of the commission

Extra charges

Rare items on CS.MONEY may have extra charges for the following parameters: valuable stickers, rare float and rare pattern. The markup value is set automatically by our system and depends on lots of points like: position of a valuable sticker, its rarity and price; the popularity of a rare skin among players; uniqueness of the pattern. The markup size can be seen in the item’s information pop-up.

Also, items from CS.MONEY inventory could have an additional markup, which depends on item’s unlocking time. It varies from 0% to 13%. This extra charge applies only to CS.MONEY bot items; the user can’t get this extra charge for his item.

Due to market conditions and dynamics we may not be able to provide you with information on the exact amount of extra charges for each case. The information about the charge will be indicated on the item's page.

Please note that due to entering this extra charge, prices for same items can be different.